Making a difference
one word at a time
Ready to get started? Call today! 1-818-806-9617
Owl Speech Therapy

FREE Consultation
We offer a 15 minute free phone consultation to determine if a speech and language evaluation is appropriate for your child. Please call us or fill out your contact information and a summary of your concerns on our contact us page. We will get in touch with you shortly after!

Speech-Language Assessment
Owl Speech Therapy provides comprehensive evaluations for a variety of speech and language disorders. After your child is assessed, you will receive a detailed report including recommendations and suggested goals for intervention.

Speech-Language Therapy
Individualized therapy sessions will be recommended depending on the needs of your child. Therapy is fun and interactive, creating an environment that keeps your child engaged. Caregivers are encouraged to participate in the session to allow for generalization and carry-over of learned skills outside of speech therapy.

Speech-Language TeleTherapy
We provide individualized speech therapy that is convenient to access through your computer, tablet, or smartphone. Treatment is the same as you would receive in person with interactive components to keep your child engaged. We use a HIPAA compliant and private teletherapy platform that is as easy to access as Zoom, Skype or Facetime.

It Takes Two to Talk®
The Hanen Program® for
Parents of Children
with Language Delays
We offer parent training classes to help you facilitate language growth in your child. Parents will learn strategies to foster language development and increase parent-child interaction. Check out the Hanen website to learn more about this amazing program.

Target Word™
The Hanen Program® for
Parents of Children
who are Late Talkers
If you've noticed that your child frequently communicates messages and ideas to you, but does not use as many words as other children their age, this parent-training program may be for you. Check out the Hanen website to learn more about this amazing program.

Our services are provided in the home, school, or daycare setting. Having therapy in the child's most natural and familiar environment allows for skills learned during therapy to be mastered more quickly and effectively. We also provide teletherapy options.

Payment Options
We are a private pay practice and accept cash or check payment at the time of service. We provide a Superbill upon request for insurances that are out of network.
We accept clients of North Los Angeles County Regional Center (NLACRC)

Specialty Areas
-Early Intervention
-Parent Coaching
-Routine-based Intervention
-Developmental Language Disorders
-Language Delays
-Autism Spectrum Disorder
-Speech Sound Disorder
-Articulation Disorder
-Phonological Disorder
-Apraxia (CAS)
-Fluency Disorders (stuttering/cluttering)